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April 24, 2008

DEATH PENALTY for parents who neglects children!!!

So many street children , uneducated, malnourished, un -sheltered, sick and dying... no help is coming their way. Too bad. Its breaking my heart into million pieces whenever I see one.

And I'm telling you that each time I do see one, a part of me is furious to the parents of these kids. 

Why? Its because you didn't plan your family!!!... making children isn't a HOBBY... its a BIG responsibility that you will carry as a parent. If you can't support a big family... DON'T make ONE! Okay you are entitled to have a family so I suggest limit the numbers. Common sense dictates that while it feels good when you're in the act of baby making, you also need to understand that its a big responsibility! You don't just make one and leave everything  to chance. Neglecting our responsibility as a parent deserve some major punishment like death penalty!!! :P  like for example-  a child was seen in the street selling cigarettes instead of going to school, punish the parent at once! don't we have laws about it yet?

It's always the poor and the "uneducated"  who were  prone to abuse...because they can be talked to do things they didn't realize were wrong...

Not trying to belittle anyone here... but isn't it that the cause of hunger from within a home started on over populating the house and eventually the world? Producing off springs you don't even know if you would be able to feed? that's why we have snatchers, hookers,  drug addicts, these are the types of people being produced. People who has to go out and do bad things in the society in order to eat. To buy medicine for their sick loved ones. Children whom we weren't able to give utmost care, nourish and feed well, educate and clothe decently, these were the same children who will soon become the easy target of immoral jobs.Think about it...

Dont forget that after u use the pc....turn off the power supply and also those that are on standby mode... it cuts electricity cost and helps decrease use of fossil energy... now u know!


jerry56v said...

I agree with what you have to say here.Ithink it is a sin to have babies and not be able to take care of them.Children are the greatest thing on earth and people that abuse them make me so mad.I am far from being perfect in fact I am not perfect at all.I am ashamed to say that I used to give suport to Save The Children i sponsored a 8 year old Indian girl for quite awhile.Plus a few other charites.Then I found out that the CEO's were making very large pay check.I got mad and quit.I though I was so smart by not letting the CEO's make money.All I did was hurt the children who were hungry and needed love Well today I am ashamed of my self because all I did was hurt the children.I once read something tha I do not believe at all.He said that anyone can makie it in life if they wanted to.He said they were just lazy and no good.Well that is not true.Some people never have a chance It is not because they are lazy are just no good.There is just so many people in the world and they will never have a chance.It does not mean they are bad just poor and have nothing and as much as they want to have more It will never happen.It makes me very sad,but I am just as bad as the CEOs are the ones that like to think they are better than everone else just because they have a good job are live on a trust fund.This type of person does not impress me at all. Sorry for making this so long I just get so mad when children are starving and dieing everday for nothing

VeeCeeJan said...

you should continue what ur doing but make sure the help u are providing goes to the ones in real needs. There are legitimate foundations for kids...ask around and see the result of their work ... those who just collects and solicits without really helping the poor kids should be reported.