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April 26, 2008

Why A Father Image is so IMPORTANT!

Parenting....About Teens

Fathering a teenager is an extremely important and complex experience. Teens have to learn to cope with their changing roles, moods, and body, and fathers have to learn how to manage and nurture the changing child.

Research shows that teenagers are more likely to reach their full potential when fathers are actively engaged as involved positive role models, guiding and supporting them on their journey from adolescence to adulthood.

Being a teenager isnt easy. At one moment, they are testing limits and experimenting with independence. The next, they are seeking closeness and reassurance from their parents that they are valued members of the family.

Teens can also experience great loneliness, and at the same time intense peer activity and pressure to expand personal relationships and develop positive self esteem.

Studies show that children with little or no contact with their fathers are more likely to drop out of school and become involved in drug and alcohol abuse; girls are more likely to become pregnant as teens and boys are more likely to become involved in crime and violence.

How To stay CONNECTED...

Show an interest in what they are doing- at school and out of school.

Do things with them-establish a regular routine- from helping with homework to watching and playing sports together, taking them to see a movie, going to a play, or a hike, or out to eat.

Be available and responsive when they want to talk about good, the bad. Or the sad. Don't say "in just a minute" or" not right now".Frequently ask your child about his life, and the lives of their friends. Know what fashions, music, television, and movies interest them. Foster their courage, integrity, leadership, curiousity, and concern. Be consistent, involved, aware and nurturing!

Be a proud parent, a friend, and a confidante.

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